Running BroadlinkManager on Windows

Running BroadlinkManager on windows -

BroadlinkManager is a Flask-powered, easy-to-use system that helps you to work with Broadlink Devices. With Broadlink manager, you can:

  • Scan your network for devices.
  • Lean and Send IR or RF Codes
  • Random generate RF Codes
  • Change Repeats for Exisiting codes (IR/EF)

In this article, I will explain how to install BroadlinkManager on top of Windows os without using Docker Services.

Part A – Install python for windows

To be able to run BM on windows, we first need to install python for windows. To do that, open the following URL: and download the installation file.

BroadlinkManager - Download python for windows -

After downloading the installer, open it and click the “Run” button:

BroadlinkManager - install python

Now, make sure to check both “Install for all users” and “add python to Path” and then click “Install Now”:

BroadlinkManager - Python -

Part B – Download BroadlinkManager and install dependencies

So, after we installed python, we can now download BM files and install the dependencies. To do that, download the BroadlinkManager zip file from here and unzip it.

You will see a file named “requirements.txt,” open the command line and navigate to the extracted folder in the folder.
Now run the following command:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

The output should look like this:

BroadlinkManager - install python requirements - Tomer Klein

Part C – Run and Use BroadlinkManager

So, after we installed all the required dependencies, we can now run BM and use it. To do that, open the command line and navigate to the path with BM files are in and run the following command:


The output should look like this:

BroadlinkManager output - - Tomer Klein
Now, open your browser and navigate to the address as it is shown in the output.
Broadlink Manager
Good Luck!

1 Comment

  1. Good job !

    After mucking around for 3 days trying to get the “off” code for a heater that I want to control with Home Assistant, your tutorial on how to get it outta the broadlink, using the Manager stack written by (I think) t0mer, was useful and easy to handle. Of course there is some mucking around getting the python stack installed, after that and getting the pathing right, it worked like a bought one.

    Thanks to all who have contributed to this software and process.



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